My name is Matthew M. and I am an addict in Recovery.  Born and (mostly) raised in Arizona, I have always been very active in music, sports and trying to learn as much as possible while simultaneously wanting to experience literally everything.  After graduating from Arizona State University, I began years of trying to discover my passion, attempting countless subjects and hobbies. Sadly, all of them were overpowered each time by one thing…my use of drugs.  What started out as simply something fun to do with friends on the weekends while living a normal life, progressed into a full-blown daily addiction that BECAME my life.  My happy (yet unfocused) life became a never-ending downward spiral of darkness that led me to arrests, jail, and complete spiritual bankruptcy. 

Finally, when the pain became truly unbearable, I went to treatment for my drug addiction and was introduced to 12 Step Recovery.  That was almost 3 years ago and I can truly say that my life was not only changed but saved by 12 step recovery and the principles of Recovery.  While it has not always been easy, today I can truly say I am grateful that I am an addict, because I finally have discovered my true passion in life, helping others learn about Recovery.  I hope to share my experience, strength, and hope with the world to carry the message of Recovery, showing that recovery from the disease of addiction is possible for ANY addict.  #WeDoRecover

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